Just Take the Next Right Step

Parenting a complex ADHDer is a long and winding road that can often feel like you’re going in circles. The territory can be monotonous and familiar and you may even start resorting to auto pilot to keep things moving along. But there are definite seasons where uncharted territory catapults us into a frenzy, unsure howContinue reading “Just Take the Next Right Step”

When You Just Want Off the Rollercoaster

It’s been a long time that I’ve been a passenger. I’m just along for the ride and I’m definitely not in the driver’s seat. I absorb every twist and turn without any idea of what to expect next. I hang on for dear life when it all goes upside down. My knuckles are white andContinue reading “When You Just Want Off the Rollercoaster”

‘Tis the Season

This year I noticed so many lighted trees through windows before Thanksgiving. It’s like the uncertainty and worry of 2020 had us all craving that which is nostalgic, familiar and HAPPY and we couldn’t have it soon enough. Making merry always calls for overtime – especially for those of us with Complex ADHDer’s who areContinue reading “‘Tis the Season”

It’s a Marathon Not a Sprint

Anyone else exhausted? You know how the grind of managing school woes and mood woes and med woes and wrangling it all day after day has just taken it all out of you? The pushing and prodding and cheering on and managing is such a constant that it almost becomes an even-paced, depleting autopilot setting.Continue reading “It’s a Marathon Not a Sprint”

Looking back and it all makes sense

This past weekend I took some time to visit my dear aunt who is turning 80. We have loads and loads of memories together because she always took the time to round up all the cousins for park dates and craft times, which probably helped break up the monotony of caring for her own fourContinue reading “Looking back and it all makes sense”

Just Give Me a Smile

Have you ever had a season in parenting your ADHDer where – somewhere in the constant pushing and pulling to get things started and finished all day every day you notice – your child has lost their spark? They’re sad, maybe discouraged and they’re not even reaching out for help to make sense of itContinue reading “Just Give Me a Smile”

Rest For a Bit, My Child

“You should take a nap,” my husband says.  Frankly, I don’t like when people talk about self-care, getting a break, and resting.  I feel like it’s absurd.  Ali has taught me to see how and where I am able to practice self-care and for that I’m grateful.  Ali’s right when she says all these thingsContinue reading “Rest For a Bit, My Child”

Nothing To Be Sorry For

My child–my brave, kind, smart, loving, and complex child–has nothing to apologize for.  Yet, over and over again, in the past year, he has begun to apologize to me for all the “trouble he is.”  Every night and every morning, “Mom, I’m sorry for all the trouble I am.”  During the night as he battlesContinue reading “Nothing To Be Sorry For”